Unite to Resist Fascism #OustDuterte

[embed]https://youtu.be/uL1hgnMqoPE[/embed]Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the EDSA People Power uprising, when millions of people took to the streets in the Philippines and toppled the Marcos dictatorship. Under the Duterte regime, we see many of the same oppressive conditions: politically motivated killings and arrests, attacks on the freedom of the press, aerial bombings of Moro and indigenous communities, martial law in Mindanao, land theft for foreign interests, government corruption, and occupation of Philippine land and seas by the U.S. and China.But just as we did in 1986, the Filipino people are standing up, fighting back, and ready to take down this dictatorship in 2019!#BAYANUSA #OustDuterteFor more info: bayanusa.org


Pompeo’s Visit Signals Unwanted U.S. Intervention, Undermining Philippine Sovereignty


RADIO: Updates from the Philippines- February 14th, 2019