Special Facebook Live featuring Renato Reyes Jr., Secretary General of BAYAN

Join us Facebook Live featuring Renato Reyes Jr., Secretary General of BAYANDiscussing Trump and US Militarism in the PhilippinesTrump will embark on a 12 day trip to Asia, including stops inChina, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines.Why? To push the US imperialist agenda at two major gatherings, including the ASEAN and his first meeting with President Duterte. Trump’s policies will continue to promote unequal policies and a military-based economic agenda that benefits US interests over human rights.www.bayanusa.orgwww.bayan.ph


Unity Statement: Peace Not War in Asia


CALL TO ACTION | Down with US imperialism! Ban Trump! US troops out of the Philippines! | Nov 12-14, 2017