Relief efforts continuing for Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) victims

Thank you all for your generous contributions to support the victims of Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana). We are working around the clock in coordination with BAYAN-Philippines and the BALSA Relief Operation to ensure that support is being directed where it is needed the most. We will keep you updated as things develop.Where do our donations go? These donations go directly to BAYAN Philippines and the BALSA Relief Operation. BAYAN Philippines is an alliance of grassroots organizations all over the Philippines that represent the most marginalized and impoverished communities in the country. These are the communities that have been most impacted by the Typhoon. The BALSA Relief Operation will be providing medical, financial and clean-up aid, especially in the urban poor areas, where people have literally lost everything. This will NOT include the bureaucracy and red tape that happens with third-party groups like the Red Cross or the Philippine Consulate.Please cut and paste the image below onto your facebook/myspace/blogs/etc. Thanks again for your support!


Gov't policies worsen "natural" disaster: BAYAN USA statement on Typhoon Ondoy/Ketsana and Arroyo's response


Financial support for Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) victims in the Philippines