Flu symptoms

The vast majority of the developed world contracts Influenza several times throughout their life, yet many don't know the difference between Type A, B, or C Flu, or how type B flu symptoms differ between the different strains. The flu makes its rounds every winter globally, often effecting over 200,000 people in the United States alone. How does Type A Flu get contracted and how is it different from Type B or C? How do the different strains manifest themselves and what can we do to limit our exposure to the Influenza virus. What are flu symptoms and how can we best deal with them if we wind up getting the flu even after taking all necessary precautions?

Influenza, or "The Flu" as it is more commonly referred to, is comprised of several strains, with related symptoms swine flu symptoms but of varying degrees of magnitude. Type A flu is the more severe type, with birds and humans sharing this strain, with over 5,000 human deaths rising to over 40,000 annually in the U.S., whereas type B flu is passed only between humans; type B flu symptoms often sharing the same key indicators as type A flu. Type C flu is another strain only shared between humans and substantially less volatile with little or no fatality rate.

The different strains of the flu are very similar, but with just varying degrees of intensity and fatality rate. Type B flu symptoms will often infect younger children to the greater extent, while type A flu patients are often the elderly and those with weaker immune systems. Another less well known type C flu virus is nothing more than a much weaker strain of the B virus, often manifesting itself in much less severe symptoms of body aches, smaller grade fever and often will go undetected if symptoms do not get more severe.

Whether were talking about the more volatile type A flu or the less severe type B, the symptoms are similar. Headache, nausea, aches and pains, vomiting and fever are the most common symptoms often associated with a non-productive cough. All flu viruses are generally contracted the same way through infectious airborne particles or actual contaminated water droplets. Humans most often contract the flu by inhaling oxygen from the respiratory tract of an infected person. Another common way of contracting the flu is from coming into direct contact with infectious water droplets on the surfaces around them. This is why the most effective way to limit our exposure to the virus is to make it a strict practice to wash your hands periodically throughout the day and avoid such areas where you know infected people may frequent.

One concern among physicians today is to mistaken symptoms of a flu with that of a potentially more critical stomach flu symptoms bacterial infection. In many cases, your body can often be fighting off another type of infection that manifests itself with flu like symptoms. What are flu like symptoms? They are often symptoms and associated pains and aches that are very much like standard flu symptoms, with headache, fever, vomiting, nausea and other localized body aches. Unlike a bacterial infection ingested or otherwise contracted through similar means, the Flu is not a bacterial infection that can be treated with antibiotics. The only valid treatment recognized today for the flu is to immunize against it prior to infection or to treat the immune system by taking higher than normal dosages of Vitamins, Vitamin C in particular and get an abundance of rest after one has contracted the virus.

Regardless of young or old, or through a weakened immune system, the flu is a serious illness that should not be taken lightly. It can't be stressed enough that the most effective treatment once you've contracted Influenza, is to get plenty of rest and be kind to others by limiting your exposure to the unaffected population during the one to four day incubation period. Consult your physician upon any of the above symptoms and begin fortifying your immune system as soon as possible to limit the severity of the flu as well as the length of time you may be infected with the illness.

Description: With millions contracted with this pandemic annually, symptoms of the flu the flu is an illness that should be taken seriously. The flu can kill and often does in the elderly. Pay attention to the symptoms and seek medical attention.


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