Never again to martial law! Resist GMA's emergency powers with people power! Oust Gloria now!

BAYAN-USA Urgent Actions in the U.S. today!NEW YORK ( Filipino New Yorkers in condemning the fascist Arroyo regime!5 pm - Friday February 24, 2006Philippine Consulate in NYLOS ANGELES ( State of Emergency and Oust GMA12 pm Philippine Consulate in Los AngelesSAN FRANCISCO ( GMA Rally and march to Philippine Consulate4 pm Assemble Powell and Market in downtown San FranciscoMarch up Powell to Consulate on SutterBAYAN (Bagong Alyansang Makabayan) USA Chapter declares overall failure and disgrace of the Arroyo government as the Real State of National Emergency that cannot stop third People Power ouster!From across the ocean and within the borders of the U.S., BAYAN-USA proudly stands with thousands of Filipinos in the streets of Ayala and EDSA yesterday on the 20th Anniversary of the first People Power ouster of Dictator Ferdinand Marcos. We condemn in fullest terms Gloria Arroyo's Proclamation 1017 of a National State of Emergency that is short of declaring martial law and the first step towards authorizing warrantless arrests, media takeover, dispersal of people's assemblies and systematic suppression of the Filipino people's right to participate in collective actions that go against Arroyo's wish to stay in power.The Filipino people know that the real State of National Emergency started when GMA took office from the ousted Joseph Estrada in 2001. This latest crisis development reveals more than she can hide about her crisis-ridden and crumbling administration. GMA's desperate measures come after a preventable mudslide which killed more than 1500 in Leyte last week. She is responsible for Human Rights Violations worse than the declared years of Martial Law under Marcos. She has orchestrated a full- blown economic crisis burying the country in billions of dollars of foreign debt. Worst of all, she continues to cling to power, holding on to a presidency discredited with election fraud while escaping democratic impeachment.Since she assumed the presidency, BAYAN-USA has participated in international actions called by the growing People Power 3 movement in the Philippines. Yesterday's People Power anniversary and OUST actions are the result of escalating outrage from under poverty level wages, joblessness, homelessness, high gas prices, the burden of value added taxes on basic commodities and the failure to bring justice for the gang rape of a Filipina woman by U.S Marines. There is nothing spontaneous or surprising from the people's louder voices of dissent which represent a courageous anti-fascist stand. We recognize the most powerful way to honor the People Power Anniversary is to continue the struggle against fascism in the brutal form of the Bush loyal GMA regime.There will be no denying People Power 3! Calibrated Preemptive Response (CPR), state sponsored terrorism and political killings in the Philippines, undeclared martial law and even arms and training by U.S. troops in the Philippines will never quell the people's resistance and will for national liberation and democracy and a just and lasting peace. We call on the U.S. and governments around the world to withdraw support to the Arroyo government which proved to be best in stealing, lying and cheating rather than governing the nation towards genuine progress and democracy.OUST THE BRUTAL, FASCIST ARROYO REGIME!ARROYO IS THE REAL STATE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY IN THE PHILIPPINES!ESTABLISH THE TRANSITIONAL COUNCIL NOW!NO U.S. TAX DOLLARS TO FUND UNDECLARED MARTIAL LAW AND POLITICAL REPRESSION!PEOPLE POWER 3 LIVES!


Full Text of Proclamation 1017


Police brutality strikes Filipino youth in Jersey City; groups tag cops racist, anti-immigrant