Mabuhay John Delloro

BAYAN USA extends its deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Filipino American labor leader John Delloro. BAYAN USA salutes John for his ceaseless commitment to the struggle of the working class and his work to engage youth and students to support workers’ struggles for justice.In his words and in his actions, John Delloro was an advocate for the workers and the struggle for social justice. As a labor organizer, teacher, writer, executive director and many other roles, John Delloro committed his life to empowering communities to empower themselves and advance the struggle of the working class.Delloro was an effective and inspirational educator, inspiring students, stirring them to the bone, and challenging students to embrace the struggle of the workers and migrants. He also prioritized developing leaders from the rank-and-file of the various unions he worked for, recognizing the importance of workers organizing themselves to be the leaders of their union and organizations.BAYAN USA also highlights one of Delloro’s last international contributions as national President of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance for the workers in the Philippines facing state violence and repression. APALA, under President Delloro’s leadership, was one of the first international organizations and the first labor organization in the United States to issue a solidarity letter in support of 43 community health workers that were illegally arrested, detained and tortured in the Philippines last February. The campaign, Free the 43 Health Workers, has since garnered more support from other unions in the U.S. and was formally taken to the United Nations last week.Delloro lived his life to the fullest to advance the movement for social justice and we recognize that his words and actions have made an impact locally, nationally and globally.MABUHAY ANG DIWA NI JOHN DELLORO!LONG LIVE THE SPIRIT OF JOHN DELLORO!With the news of John Delloro’s passing, the Free the 43 Health Workers Alliance in the Philippines also joins the family, friends and the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance in mourning the loss of John Delloro. A letter of condolence from the Free the 43 Health Workers Now Alliance in the Philippines will be delivered to the Delloro family and APALA this week.


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