[LFS-SFSU] Mabuhay si Cris Hugo at ang Kilusang Kabataan


Reference:Joshua CastroSecretary General, League of Filipino Students (LFS)San Francisco State University (SFSU)lfssecgen@bayanusa.orgSan Francisco, CA - The theme of League of Filipino Students candle light vigil for murdered youth leader Cris Hugo was Mabuhay, or long live. The event took place on Thursday, March 30 in Malcolm X Plaza at the SFSU campus. The solemn cloudy sky symbolized the grief of members, allies, and individuals who came out to celebrate Cris Hugo''s life and his dedication to the National Democratic movement.The news of Cris's murder outraged members of League of Filipino Students and other community members. Princess Bustos, Co-Mass Campaigns Officer expressed that, "We were not at all surprised by Cris's murder. We know that the fascist US puppet regime of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is willing to take any action in order to maintain her power, even if it means taking the life of Cris or any other organizer working with the people for justice. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo repeatedly proves that her administration will pull any string to silence the ever growing dissent of the people against her iniquitous and vicious administration using the Armed of Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Philippine National Police (PNP)," Bustos added.League of Filipino Students, in addition to the candle light vigil urged other community organizations, supporters, individuals, and members of the international community to sign an online petition demanding President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo take responsibility for Cris's murder and the rising rate of human rights violations occurring under her watch. More than thirty activists this year alone have been killed while at the same time the fraudulent Macapagal-Arroyo regime continues to blindly and shamelessly neglect the cry of the people for answers and justice.Community allies spoke of the vigor of the youth and student resistance and our importance in creating change through arousing, mobilizing, and organizing. The night also included statements from babae, a Filipino women's organization, BAYAN USA, (Bagong Alyansang Makabayan), an alliance of National Democratic organizations in the US, and AnakBayan Honolulu. Also present were other student organizations from San Francisco State University campus, like Asian Student Union (ASU), Pilipino American Collegiate Endeavor (PACE), General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS), and the Black Student Union (BSU), among others. The statements called for the ouster of the number one puppet of the USA, President Macapagal-Arroyo and for an end to the killings of youth and student activists.The evening was also filled with poetry and music as members of League of Filipino Students demonstrated and articulated their indignation and grief over Cris's murder. The poetry spoke of the Filipino people's resistance and their struggle for liberation against imperialism, bureaucrat capitalism, semi-feudalism, and semi-colonialism. League of Filipino Students kept the event focused on the countless human rights violations that the remorseless and ferocious President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo regime continues to commit against the Filipino people.Bustos also mentioned that. "Cris Hugo's death is a call for all youth and students to take action. The murder of a student activist symbolizes that the tyranny and brutality of the fake presidency of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is escalating. We must continue to intensify our fight." League of Filipino Students stands in solidarity with other progressive organizations calling for the ouster of the ruthless Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Regime. League of Filipino Students also extends their warmest and militant condolences to Cris Hugo's family and friends. Cris will be missed and we vow to keep his memory alive.MABUHAY SI CRIS!LONG LIVE THE YOUTH AND STUDENT MOVEMENT!END THE KILLINGS OF OUR YOUTH AND STUDENT ACTIVIST!!JUSTICE FOR ALL HUMAN RIGHTS VICTIMS!U.S. OUT OF THE PHILIPPINE!!OUST THE NUMBER ONE U.S. PUPPET AND FASCIST PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO!For more information please go to: www.lfs.kilusan.netwww.bulatlat.comwww.bayanusa.org Online petition: www.petitiononline.com/LFS415League of Filipino Students- San Francisco State University is an anti-imperialist, pro-people, pro-national democracy organization serving the youth and student sector.


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