Mabuhay ang kilusang kabataan: 29 years of serving the people and the National Democratic Movement


Revolutionary greeting komrades and friends,The League of Filipino Students San Francisco State University chapter congratulates the League of Filipino Students for their twenty-nine years of dedication in serving, organizing and mobilizing the oppressed masses of the Philippine society. The League of Filipino Students-SFSU extends its utmost respect to all the komrades whom without hesitation continue to sacrifice their personal interest for the interest of the exploited masses.Despite the ruthless and irresponsible acts of the number one puppet and fascist, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and her egotistical and conniving gang, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Philippine National Police (PNP), the youth and student movement continues to burn fearlessly. The fervor for change intensifies in the hearts of each activist as one by one realize the gross neglect of the Philippine government and its intensified repression against its people.The youth and students have always been actively involved and are continuously at the forefront for the demand for genuine democracy and national sovereignty. Our participation is essential in the fight against U.S. imperialism. We too, are affected by the rotten system, which consistently plagues our country and other third world nations. The youth and students have contributed greatly to the advancement of the National Democratic movement, from assessing the mistakes of the past, rectifying and learning from lessons, and furthering the just struggle for all oppressed peoples in the Philippines and supporting our komrades all over the world.The National Democratic Movement and the participation of the youth and students do not end in the Philippines. The international chapter of the League of Filipino Students is a testament of the growing resistance and support against U.S. imperialism, bureaucrat capitalism and feudalism. We have come a long way from our humble beginnings as an alliance of students against tuition fee increase, to a now more militant organization, projecting the sharpest anti-imperialist line.Although we as the San Francisco State University chapter are thousands of miles away and reside in the belly of the beast, we too are fearlessly propagating the sharpest anti-imperialist perspective. We too support the National Democratic movement. We too face our own issues as uprooted Filipinos living in the United States. And most of all, we too mourn the loss of each komrade.Much like our fallen komrades and those before us, from Lorena Barros and Liliosa Hilao, to Cris Hugo and Rei Mon "Ka Ambo" Guran, let us be firm in our beliefs and fight until our last breath. Let us uphold the highest discipline and persevere to sharpen our analysis. Let us be guided by the correct principles and not stray from serving the masses. Let us continue to agitate, mobilize and organize our sector and further remold our petty bourgeois tendencies. Let us assert our rights as youth and students for a mass-based, nationalistic and scientific educational system!MABUHAY ANG LEAGUE OF FILIPINO STUDENTS!!!MABUHAY ANG KILUSANG KABATAAN!!!JUSTICE FOR CRIS HUGO AND REI MON "KA AMBO" GURAN!!!END ALL POLITICAL KILLINGS NOW!!!OUST THE FAKE, FASCIST AND NUMBER ONE PUPPET PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO!!!LONG LIVE INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY!!!


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