Filipinos, allies across the US gear up for Sept. 21 protest actions condemning political killings in the Philippines

References: Rachel Redondiez, Secretary-General, BAYAN USA, email:; Berna Ellorin, Media Officer, BAYAN USA, email: ny@bayanusa.orgFilipinos and their allies in the US will participate in an internationally-coordinated global day of action on Thursday, September 21 condemning daily political killings in the Philippines under the questionable administration of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.Vigils are scheduled to take place in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington DC, Seattle, Honolulu, North Carolina, and Massachusetts. Most will take place in front of Philippine consulates and embassies to call attention to the Philippine government's role in perpetrating the near-daily killings of Arroyo critics, including journalists, lawyers, church workers, students, trade unionists, human rights workers, and others.The coordinated actions are being organized by the US Chapter of BAYAN (BAYAN USA) and the International League of People's Struggle. September 21 also marks the 34th anniversary of the US-Marcos administration's declaration of Martial Law back in 1972. BAYAN USA asserts that there is currently an undeclared martial law in the Philippines under the regime of US-Arroyo."Many of us came here precisely because the conditions in our beloved homeland were too unbearable and unsurvivable. Many fled to escape the tyranny of Marcos and US-instigated martial rule. Now Arroyo has resurrected the darkest days in our nation's history and made it our reality once again. She has also been able to do so with the sponsorship of US military aid and weaponry," states Chito Quijano, Vice-Chair of BAYAN USA and a labor organizer in Los Angeles. "The world will not stay silent as the killings continue in the Philippines, especially those of us taxpayers in the US whose dollars are funding such day-to-day atrocities."Same-day actions will also take place in Canada, the Netherlands, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, and Brussels. An Arroyo visit to Hawaii last week already unfurled the first of a domino-effect of US protests that will take place next week.International human rights watchdogs such as Amnesty International, Asian Human Rights Watch, and the World Council of Churches have passed reports and statements condemning the killings. To date, over 754 Filipinos have fallen victim to these hits under the Arroyo administration.For more information on Sept. 21 International Protest Actions, visit


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