Down with Duterte and Trump’s Fascism! The People Rise Up to Stop the Killings, End Martial Law, and Smash Fascism

Down with Duterte and Trump’s Fascism!

The People Rise Up to Stop the Killings, End Martial Law, and Smash Fascism

Duterte’s three dirty wars against the people have created a bloodbath in the Philippines. The drug war alone has claimed beyond 13,000 victims; add the civilian deaths under Oplan Kapayapaan’s counterinsurgency war and the so-called war on terror and Martial Law in Mindanao, and the numbers are continuing to grow. In just over one year, Duterte has already surpassed the recorded killings committed by his idol Marcos during his 14-year dictatorship. The death toll would only increase dramatically if Duterte decides to expand Martial Law to the entire country as announced by Defense Secretary Lorenzano recently. This September 21st marks the 45th anniversary of when Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines and became a dictator for more than a decade.  BAYAN USA condemns the US-Duterte regime and its anti-people policies. We demand President Duterte to end Martial Law now and end his brutal wars against the poor. We call upon the people to rise up against his tyranny and fascism. The increasing fascism around the world is evidence of the worsening crisis of the global capitalist system. Right after Duterte threatened to declare martial law upon the whole country if protests get too rowdy on September 21st, he then declared September 21st, not as a holiday but a National Day of Protest.  

“Duterte will say whatever serves his purpose, at any given time, rightist or leftist, because he’s an opportunist politician trying to hold on to whatever power he has left.” stated Bernadette Ellorin, BAYAN USA Chairperson.

The blatant disregard of both Trump and Duterte for their constituents have made them an enemy of the people.  Duterte’s “Punisher” style of rule and Trump’s open support to white supremacists give us no choice but to stand in solidarity with one another and fight back against fascism.  “The people won’t allow Duterte to declare Martial Law across the whole country without a fight. We will never accept his tired old tactic of labeling legal protests as ‘terrorism’ to  justify the extension of Martial Law,” stated Ellorin.  “We also won’t let Trump attack immigrant communities with the rescission of DACA or deploy more troops to Afghanistan under the never-ending “War on Terror” without taking to the streets to demand an end to US wars of aggression and to smash fascism!”BAYAN USA calls for genuine change to the rotten system of capitalism and pushes for a socialist solution of redistribution of the land and national industrialization in the Philippines to address the basic needs of the people.  Join us in these demands by participating in one of our many organizations across the country. STOP THE KILLINGS! FIGHT AGAINST DUTERTE’S FASCIST WAR AGAINST DRUGS, ALL-OUT WAR AND MARTIAL LAW!END MARTIAL LAW NOW!NO TO US MILITARY INTERVENTION! US TROOPS OUT NOW!FIGHT FASCISM! END IMPUNITY!


CALL TO ACTION | Down with US imperialism! Ban Trump! US troops out of the Philippines! | Nov 12-14, 2017


Stop the Killings! Justice for Kian! - BAYAN USA Video