CALL TO ACTION | Down with US imperialism! Ban Trump! US troops out of the Philippines! | Nov 12-14, 2017

US President Donald Trump will be visiting the Philippines between November 12-14, 2017 for the first time. It will be one of many stops Trump has planned for his Asia Pacific tour as he participates in the Association of South East Asian Nations’ East Asia Summit (EAS), where leaders from 18 countries will be present-- including China and Russia, US imperialism’s two main competitors--to discuss their plans for expanding neoliberal globalization and domination of the region. Underneath the summit table are trade wars, the US military pivot to Asia, aggressive expansion of China, warmongering on the Korean Peninsula, growing territorial tensions the East and South China Sea, and other local and regional issues.To assert its own hegemony and contain China’s expansion, total defense spending of theU.S. in the Asia-Pacific is forecast to hit US$533 billion per year by the end of the decade, upfrom US$435 billion in 2015. The region will likely account for one in every threedollars spent on defense by the early 2020s.Meanwhile, embattled Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte will host the East Asia Summit as he chairs the ASEAN on its 50th year. Amidst his fascist wars on the poor, martial law in Mindanao, and extra-judicial killings, Duterte will play out his precarious balancing act in foreign diplomacy, which to-date has amounted to placating to foreign interests including the U.S. and China. This is a time to voice out the people’s concerns -- on the world stage. This is a time for international solidarity.This is the time to say: Resist U.S. wars! Build peace!Join the international Call to Action against Trump’s visit to the Philippines and Asia Pacific region, the neo-liberal agenda of the ASEAN and EAS, and towards building a movement of all people who support Philippine liberation and struggle for genuine independence from US imperialism! We say US GTFO of the Philippines!ACTION ITEMS:

  • Have your organization ENDORSE these days of actions by filling out this FORM
  • SIGN ON to the Unity Statement against Trump in the Philippines! (forthcoming)
  • DONATE to BAYAN’s People’s Caravan and Protest actions to confront Trump at Clark Airbase. They will need to buy tents, sleeping bags, etc. as they camp-out along the 2-day caravan. You can Venmo @BAYANUSA or donate to BAYAN USA
  • JOIN the Resist US-Led War Movement by signing on to the Manifesto
  • TAKE ACTION in the streets confronting the US military & economic pivot!

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE ACTIVITIES IN NOVEMBER CLICK ON THIS BROCHUREENDORSERS:ANAKBAYAN USAAPIENC (API Equality - Northern California)Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC)ASATA Asians 4 Black LivesAssociation American Studies Graduate Student Association (UCLA AASGSA)Catalyst ProjectChinatown Community for Equitable DevelopmentDiwang Kabataan Tri CityEclipse RisingFilipino Advocates for JusticeForward TogetherGABRIELA USAThe General Union of Palestine StudentsHaiti Action CommitteeHOBAK (Hella Organized Bay Area Koreans)International Action CenterKorean Peace Alliance  MECHA at San Francisco State University Migrante SoCalNational Lawyer's Guild - SF ChapterNational Ecumenical-Interfaith Forum for Filipino ConcernsNational Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON) - NorCalNetwork in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA)NJ State Industrial Union CouncilThe Oakland Law CollaborativeResistanceSFStudents for Alternatives to Militarism- StanfordStanford Pilipino American Student UnionStanford Asian American Activism Committee (SAAAC)Students for Quality Education (SFSU)Support committee for Korean prisoners of conscience in USSamidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity NetworkSocialist Action- OaklandSURJ SFThe League of Filipino Students- SFSUThe United People of Color Caucus of the NLG, SF Bay Area ChapterUndoing Racism committee NJCUViet Unity LAWorkers World PartyXicana Moratorium Coalition    


Special Facebook Live featuring Renato Reyes Jr., Secretary General of BAYAN


Down with Duterte and Trump’s Fascism! The People Rise Up to Stop the Killings, End Martial Law, and Smash Fascism