[bayanmuna.net] House applauds resolution of standoff over warrantless arrests

The House of Representatives tonight unanimously adopted House Resolution 1169 granting sanctuary and protective custody for six partylist representatives against warrantless arrests arising from charges filed against them.Applause from House members and the mass members of the three partylist organizations welcomed the adoption of the resolution.No arrest is thus expected to be undertaken against the five partylist solons under House custody being harassed by the Arroyo administration. They maintain that the charges levelled against them were mere fabrications and lies, and a punitive action by the Arroyo administration to their role in exposing, opposing and joining the calls for the resignation of the president.In the resolution, the House asserts the rights of its members to preliminary investigation and against warrantless arrests.In a related development, the five of six partylist representatives of Bayan Muna, Anakpawis and Gabriela have asked Chief State Prosecutor Jovencito Zuño for a preliminary investigation and waived their right under Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code.Said letter to Zuño was also signed by lawyers Ernesto B. Francisco Jr. and Neri Javier Colmenares as counsels of the partylist representatives, and by House leaders Speaker Jose de Venecia, Majority Leader Prospero Nograles and Minority Leader Francis Escudero.


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