BAYAN USA & ICHRP US Call to Action Aug 6-8: 1 Year after the Attempted Assassination of Brandon Lee

BAYAN USA & International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines- US  (ICHRP US) are calling for Days of Action starting on the 1 year anniversary of the attempted assassination of U.S. citizen Brandon Lee on August 6th, 2020. 


AUG 6th: Justice for Brandon Lee Press Conference on the 1 Year Anniversary 

Details: 5pm- 6pm Pacific 



AUG 7th: National Day of Action

Details: Host offline or online creative actions in regions -- such as rallies, banner drops, or forums! (List of actions TBR)


AUG 8th: Online Actions & Fundraising

Details: Host Fundraising events online or offline selling the artwork or donating here; Promote Brandon’s story and peoples’ struggle in the Cordilleras online 


More Ways to Take Action:



On August 6th, 2019, Brandon Lee, a San Francisco native who moved to the Philippines to work full-time as an environmental defender with the Cordillera Human Rights Alliance, was shot outside of his home, sustained life-threatening injuries and survived with permanent damage to his spine. This attack against Brandon came after years of harassment, surveillance, intimidation, and death threats by the Philippine military and police in an attempt to squash the movement of peasant farmers and indigenous peoples resisting environmental plunder and fighting for their rights to land and self-determination. Brandon’s story is not an anomaly, but rather the calculated result of Duterte’s counterinsurgency program Oplan Kapanatagan and the Executive Order 70 “whole of nation approach” that militarizes the civilian bureaucracy, targets unarmed activists as terrorists, and silences legitimate dissent.


As the Philippines was just named the most dangerous country for environmental defenders for the second year in a row and Duterte’s Anti-Terror Law has effectively legalized state terrorism, now more than ever we must honor Brandon’s work by seeking justice for all victims of Duterte’s fascist attacks against human rights and environmental defenders, condemning the Anti-Terror Law as Duterte’s continued push to enact nationwide de facto marital law, and demanding the US government pass the Philippine Human Rights Act and end to US support of the Duterte regime!



  • Accountability from the Philippine government and expose culpability of Philippine military and Duterte regime
  • Accountability from U.S. government by suspending all aid to the Philippine military and police and pushing for independent investigation into Brandon Lee’s attempted assasination
  • For U.S. legislators to support the introduction and passing of the Philippine Human Rights Act (PHRA)
  • For U.S. Congress to hold a hearing investigating the Anti-Terrorism Act’s extraterritorial implications on people in the U.S.
  • UNHRC member states to adopt recommendations of UN OHCHR



  • Justice for Brandon Lee & all victims of state terrorism
  • Justice for the victims of human rights violations!
  • Junk the Anti-Terrorism Law! 
  • Defend human rights defenders! 
  • Pass the Philippine Human Rights Act!
  • Fight Duterte’s fascist dictatorship!
  • Fight for freedom and democracy!


Use these Hashtags in all posts:   #Justice4BrandonLee #JunkTerrorLaw



Call for Solidarity with the Lebanese people, Migrants, and Refugees Impacted by the Beirut Explosion


Makibaka! Huwag Matakot! Defeat Duterte’s Fascism & Oust Duterte Now!