BAYAN USA Aug.19 Social Media Action: Justice for Randall “Ka Randy” Echanis, Zara Alvarez, and Reken Ramasog!

SHOW YOUR OUTRAGE! Join Social Media Actions!

BAYAN USA is calling for all peace loving Filipinos and friends to join the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas’ (Peasant Movement of the Philippines) Global Day of Action for Justice on August 19 to show your indignation against the recent killings of Randall “Ka Randy” Echanis, Reken Ramasog, Zara Alvarez, and all victims of extrajudicial killings! As Ka Randy’s remains finally returned to the hands of his family after unlawfully being snatched by the Philippine National Police (PNP), the family and community were able to pay tribute and commemorate Ka Randy’s long history of involvement in the peasant struggle for land and love for the people he served. On the same day he was laid to rest, an urgent alert hit the news stream of the murder of Zara Alvarez, a human rights defender in Bacolod City, Negros. Several days prior, Reken Ramasog, a peasant also hailing from Negros, was murdered at the hands of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). Zara is the 13th human rights worker killed under Duterte, while Reken is just one of the over 260 peasants killed under the Duterte regime. 

The right to land is one of the principal democratic rights being fought for by the national democratic movement. Ka Randy fought tirelessly for this by struggling for Genuine Agrarian Reform, including helping to draft the Comprehensive Agreement on Social and Economic Reforms (CASER) put forth by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). Zara’s work on Negros was integral in defending the human rights of peasant farmers, like Rekken, who face constant exploitation, oppression, and militarization at the hands of big landowners and the AFP. This August, 19, let us all show our outrage and share what Zara, Ka Randy, and Reken were fighting against and what they were fighting for by:

  1. Posting & Sharing these videos on CASER & Tagging 5 others to Repost, Share & Comment on why genuine agrarian reform is something to fight for
    1. BAYAN USA’s Why should the Peace talks continue in the Philippines?
    2. Ka Randy explains CASER and why environment protection and rehabilitation is integral to the social and economic reforms pushed by the NDFP in the peace talks. 
  2. Posting & Sharing these images on CASER & Tagging 5 others to Repost, Share & Comment on why genuine agrarian reform is something to fight for? 
    1. What is CASER all about?
      1. Agrarian Reform & Development
      2. National Industrialization
      3. Rights for working people
      4. Protecting the rights of the vulnerable population
      5. Guaranteeing basic services
      6. Protecting the Environment
      7. Upholding National Sovereignty 
    2. Tunay na Reporma sa Lupa (Genuine Agrarian Reform)
    3. Karapatan, Kalayaan, Katarungan  (Rights, Freedom, Justice)
    4. Progresibong Panlipunang Patakaran (Progressive Social Policy) 
    5. Pambansang Industriyalisasyon (National Industrialization)
  3. Creating your own graphics, art, videos, and other forms of prop to honor the lives of those killed under the Duterte regime, and promote our struggle for national sovereignty and genuine democracy, especially the democratic right to land!
  4. Knowledge is Power! Download, Read, and Share the CASER booklet!


  • Justice for Ka Randy, Zara, and Reken!
  • Stop the Killings!
  • Struggle for Genuine Agrarian Reform! 
  • Junk the Anti-Terror Law!
  • Activism Is Not Terrorism!
  • Oust Duterte Now! 

Background & Analysis Read BAYAN USA’s full statement here


BAYAN USA Hits Back against State Sanctioned Terror-Tagging: We Will Not Back Down!


Aug. 13 National Day of Action: Justice for Ka Randy