After the UNHRC, KMP goes to the Pope

References: Danilo "Ka Daning" Ramos, secretary general, KMPCarl Anthony Ala, public information officerThe militant Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) through its secretary general, Danilo "Ka Daning" Ramos, requested an audience with his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, in the Vatican this All Soul's Day. "After filing formal charges against Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her ilk at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), we are now presenting the horrible human rights situation in our country to the Pope himself because the cases of political killings continue, its most recent prominent victim Bishop Alberto Ramento, is a very respected man of the cloth himself and a staunch defender of the poor," said Ramos."We are presenting three appeals to the Pope so that he can also take action in light of the fact that the Macapagal-Arroyo regime has done nothing to stop the killings. The appeals are as follows: 1. to give voice, in whatever manner you see appropriate, to our just demand for Mrs. Arroyo to take full responsibility to defend the life and human dignity due to each person by taking immediate action to stop the political killings through Oplan Bantay Laya being carried out by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Philippine National Police (PNP), and their death squads; 2. to facilitate a dialogue between peasant-leaders, relatives of victims of political killings and His Excellency The Most Rev. Fernando Filoni, Papal Nuncio in the Philippines, to pave the way for understanding our situation and supporting our appeals; 3. to take specific actions within the bounds of your responsibility as Supreme Pontiff to achieve justice for all the victims of political killings and persecution. This may require demanding thorough investigation of all documented cases, demanding accountability of the perpetrators and mastermind of such violations, and ensuring just indemnification to families of the victims," stated the peasant leader."We have also sent a copy of our letter titled A Letter of Appeal: Stop the Killings in the Philippines to the Papal Nuncio. So that he can take immediate action on our appeal," said Ramos.Ka Daning is in Rome now to seek an audience with the Pope, but even if the meeting will not push through, he has delivered the letter of appeal to the Vatican itself. # # #


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